The Alexander Technique 

In today’s society the majority of us spend hours at a time sat at a laptop. This can cause lower back pain, poor posture, neck, and shoulder pain.

If you are aware that your posture is poor, and feeling pain as a result, you may find that you force yourself to sit upright even for a moment to find relief. However, once your focus is distracted by say a phone call, or a conversation with a colleague, you will revert to the bad posture without even being aware that you have done so.

This happens because your body has developed bad habits of movement, ie from sitting, standing, lifting, that it cannot get out of until your body is re-educated. 

Lower Back Pain at Work

Back Pain on Rising

Back Pain Due to Stress

Back Pain Sat at a Computer

How To Re-Educate Your Body

The Alexander Technique is the ideal way to re-educate the way you go about using yourself. It encourages your spine to lengthen, which allows space between your vertebra, which relieves spinal compression.

It can also help to improve the positioning of your head so that it naturally balances on your top vertebrae, so that your posture and movement become more aligned. It can help you to feel more balanced, which will give you a greater sense of wellbeing within yourself.

Once you begin having lessons you are able to sit, stand, walk, exercise and sit at a laptop with more ease and less discomfort.

What Happens During an Alexander Lesson?

The Alexander Technique is gentle and non-invasive. There is no manipulation or any need to perform strenuous body movements.

A teacher works with you, fully clothed in a chair and by placing hands on specific parts of the body, is trained to send stimuli to your spine to encourage the lengthening and widening of tightened shortened muscles throughout the body. This helps to improve your breathing, focus, balance, awareness, and overall sense of well-being.

One half an hour lesson per week is recommended. 

Alexander Lesson


Mastering The Art of Walking in High Heels

Women love high heels but often suffer the common problems like cramping in the calves, pain in the balls of the feet, lower back pain and poor posture.

Let’s face it, a woman may have the most expensive fashion designer outfit, the most exotic hair do, stunning make up and nails, topped with the most exclusive designer handbag, and if she cannot walk in her heels, her whole look goes down the drain.

Women who cannot walk in heels are open to ridicule. Often people whisper under their breath, snigger, or even laugh out loud when a woman is seen struggling in her heels. 

Mastering The Art of Wearing High Heels 10 HOT TIPS

 How many times have you sworn never  to wear  those heels again after a night out? A twisted ankle, unbearable pain in the balls of the feet, lower back pain, I know you've been there!   

Learning to walk in high heels is equivalent of learning to drive a car. You would not get into a car without the knowledge of being able to drive it, so the same principle applied to high heels. 

A Solution 

There is a solution for high heel wearer! Even for those who have given up on heels or have them stashed in the closet still in boxes with the hope of being able to wear them again one day, 

  Ma Isheeba Whyne previously known as Chyna Whyne High Heels Guru the author of Mastering the Art of Wearing High Heels 10 Hot Tips has developed a concept of how to walk in high heels using the Alexander Technique.

Ma Isheeba teaches you how to step into your full power, and strut in rhythm with your higher self. Live the best version of yourself by walking with confidence grace elegance and ease, knowing that you are the most beautiful woman in the world!

Classes and workshop include foot exercises before putting on high heels, Alexander Technique to improve your posture and help relieve neck back and shoulder pain, how to wear your heels for longer, how to sit and stand in heels, how to walk up and down stairs, how to get in and out of a car, and how to ‘swagga’ with confidence.




An Ancient Practise to Wellness

Kemetic Yoga is an ancient practise whose origin is founded in Kemet (Egypt) long before arriving in India.

This powerful ancient knowledge of union of the mind body and spirit is encrypted on the pyramid walls of ancient Africa, which can be seen and recognised today. The philosophy of Kemetic Yoga is Ma’at Ka which means everything in the universe emerged out of an all-perspective balance and order.

Working with this principle helps you to find this within yourself. Postures performed throughout a Kemetic Yoga practise energize, harmonise, centralize and uplift you in a way that can help you to find the inner peace, balance and calm you are looking for. 

Ma Isheeba Whyne Kemetic Yoga

Online Yoga Classes

Ma Isheeba is a Kemetic Yoga teacher who was trained in Jamacia in 2016  by Yirser Ra Hotep.

 Through her own journey of self-discovery, she commenced on a path of Kemetic Yoga and found that the practise grounded and enlightened her in a way that no other yoga practise had.

Ma Isheeba  loves practises such as Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga. Bikram, and Sivananda. However, when she came across Kemetic Yoga she realised that it was the way forwards for her.

She naturally combined all principles that she has experienced from other practices, but primarily works within the principles of Kemetic Yoga which historically is the foundation principle of all yoga practises.

Ma Isheeba global influence is recognized by all seeking mind body spirt union.

Kemetic Yoga Class
Chair Yoga

Class Times-Thursdays  10.30 am -11.15am

 Click on the link below to Join in Chair Yoga

An introduction into the benefits of Yoga in a chair. Ideal for beginners .

Once you have made a payment click on the link to join the class


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